Branding & Website Design for CCI

Country Club International supply the best in product, solutions and services to all industries related in Sports Turf.

The Challenge
The Country Club International logo is simple and has bold elements that allow the logo to stand out and be used in a variety of mediums. Its colour palette is made up of strong and bright colours with the brighter colours being used within the logo derivatives as a way to differentiate from the primary logo.
- Showcase the full range of products
- Provide quality information of CCI services
- Communicate current golf and sports turf news
- Create easy access for contact/customer enquiries
Our Solutions
The Country Club International logo was originally a detailed illustration of a country club. Although it related to golf, it pigeon-holed the client to being identified just within the golf equipment industry. Wanting to expand their business, and secure government tenders and bigger jobs, we changed the logo to CCI so derivatives could be added. These included CCI Golf Equipment, CCI Water Management and CCI Safety Fencing. Through various logo rounds, the Spicy team simplified the existing club house illustration to modernise it. The finished product ended up being the overlapping lines motif, which could represent all sectors, blades of grass, water, and fencing. The simplified overlapping lines enabled CCI logo to incorporate a modern, professional and corporate look. In the branding process, it was incredibly important that we considered the stakeholders and made sure their ideas were presented. Through clear communication, we educated the CCI team on modernising the new brand and how this can assist the business to grow.
- Website design: professional, corporate
- We segmented the content in a very clear and accessible way, to make it easier for users to navigate through different product and service options. This ease-of-access enables CCI sales representatives to use it as a sales tool when visiting golf course superintendents and managers.