Bring on 2019! Social Media Tips and 2019 Predictions
It has been a northern beaches summer like no other, weeks of 30 degree days and weeks of rain. Nobody knows what 2019 will bring, but what we can be certain of is that it will be unique and beautiful in its own way. Spicy Broccoli headquarters are buzzing with recharged and excited employees. 2019 is going to be a big year for us and we can feel it coming. With a stronger team than ever, we feel confident going into 2019. We can’t wait to help develop and further explore our current client’s potential as well as meet new clients of 2019.
Engage potential customers with immersive ads that bring your business to life. With stories ads, the Swipe up feature will be added at the end of your story so you can send your potential customers to your website.
Instagram Stories ads
- Appear between people’s Stories. You can access people’s Stories by tapping the circles at the top of your feed.
- Can last longer than 24h. They appear on people’s Stories for as long as the duration of your ad.
- Display for 15 seconds at a time for video and 5 seconds for images. You get people’s full attention while they’re viewing your ad.
- Can be swiped up at the end of the ad to send people to your website.

• Apply Now
• Book Now
• Download
• Get directions
• Learn more
• Send Message
• Shop Now
And more!
Users can also tap and hold to pause the story, so it’s important you keep it interesting!
Wondering how to create your story ad? Here are four easy steps:
1. Make sure that your Instagram account is connected to your Facebook ad account. See how to connect if you use Business Manager. If you don’t use Business Manager, see how to connect through your Page.
2. Go to Ads Manager from your computer and choose an objective for your story ad.
In Placements, make sure that Stories is ticked.
3. Select the budget you’d like to spend and the duration of your campaign.
In Identity, choose your business’s Instagram username in the drop-down menu.
4. Choose the format you want – preferably image or video. You can upload a new image or video, or choose one that you’ve already uploaded.
Click Review and Confirm to finish your campaign.
Spicy Director Sarah: In 2019 I’d like to see design trends explore more hand-drawn typography and graphics integrated into a minimal style. You can never go wrong with clean and simple, and to bring out the personality mixed with a little edge I think will be a winning combo.
Spicy Director Mike: GREAT COMMUNICATION. Continuing our goal from 2018 into the new year.
Spicy Digital Marketing Manager Stevo: Augmented reality will become huge this year.
Spicy Designer Icey: TikTok will be the next big social media platform. Chinese and Asians have been all over it!
Spicy Digital Marketing Team: Personalisation will become the defining feature of brands that people trust. Take it from Wendy’s marketing team:
If you're asking a fast food Twitter this relationship might be doomed
— Wendy’s (@Wendys) February 14, 2017
.@McDonalds So you’ll still use frozen beef in MOST of your burgers in ALL of your restaurants? Asking for a friend.
— Wendy’s (@Wendys) March 30, 2017
Spicy Wordpress Developer/Programmer Dinesh: 5G gonna rock the internet world – Data Analytics, Machine learning AI gonna be bigger and better!
Spicy Front End Developer Charlie – Advancements in Robotic process automation.
We can’t wait to see what 2019 brings!